A few of us went up to the Flume yesterday. I've seen it colder there, but with little sun, it's definitely a chilly spot. Dunbar got beaned with a chunk of ice on his eyebrow and forehead. It looked like it hurt. He got a few stitches in Plymouth but didn't seem to need a priest. I think we all had a good time overall. I got to coach Karen a bit and that got me psyched. It's nice when you shout some advice and it actually helps someone instead of just annoying or confusing them. Dave Ford seemed to be having a good time. For only his second day on vertical ice, I thought he was doing rather well. (By comparison, my second day on the ice was atrocious. Let's not say any more!)
Bayard and I went to do Repentance at Cathedral Ledge today. Here is a picture below. I like the dark aspect of this picture. I think it captures it well.

Now, the guidebook gives this an ice grade of 5+ (accurate), a commitment grade of IV (also accurate), and an old-school mixed grade of 5.8 or so (can't remember exactly, but it's bullshit). I mean, OK,
maybe it's 5.8 or 5.9 if you're an elite climber or a guide, but for us mere mortals, it's pretty hard. I think of 5.8 as something a gumby does on his or her first day at the gym or on top-rope. This was
way harder.
This morning, I told somebody at the Frontside Grind coffee shop that I was going ice climbing on Cathedral Ledge and he explained to me that "ice is for gin and tonics." But I went anyways. The climb starts with about 80 feet of this "5.8" drytooling to get onto the ice (in the picture above, you can see the ice doesn't start right off the ground). When Bayard and I tried it last year, the ice didn't really touch down very far, so there was a big runout to get to the ice. This year, the ice started (thinly) after the good drytooling, so we were off to the races. Some pumpy, technical, and generally awesome climbing on good ice got us to a nasty sloping hanging belay for the second pitch. The second pitch was super hard, and probably the crux. A thin, horribly candled, and wet column (visible at a vertical white streak in the picture above) led to an awkward squeeze chimney. The column was really scary and I was only following it! There were very few good places to swing/tap, as almost every surface was convex. But I'm starting to get the sense, from climbing all these scary little pillars, that they're not impossible. If I get maybe twice as much endurance, then I'll be able to work for my tool placements, and actually do these things on lead. As it is, I'm desperately shaking out on every hold, which really pumps me out overall because it takes me a lot longer to climb the whole route. I can't swing too well when I'm pumped, either. The chimney was actually the crux of the route. Crazy sideways chimney moves and little taps/hooks on a thin, transparent smear of ice in the back of the chimney take you
inside the climb to a roof. You get a hook in a crack just above the roof, swing out, and it's over. More or less. The third pitch was a wider chimney which was technical, but not quite as hard. Overall, it was a stellar route. I got pumped out of my gourd. My manubrium hurt in a weird way when I chimneyed. I got soaked on the second pitch. It was a good day.
Tuesday: We went to do Repentance today. It was thin and tricky conditions. The column off the first belay was way thinner than when I did it last year. In fact, it didn't even touch down--it was a dangler. The ice was brittle and fractured a lot. I'm sure it's not very nice on lead when you swing into the ice and white marks appear everywhere. Still, I climbed it like I was leading: solid sticks everywhere, every placement tested, every hook set, good footwork, etc. I kept looking around for gear. There are definitely some heady runouts involved, at least for a weenie like me. I had the whole route dialed except for the top where there's this massive chockstone. I kept switching positions for twenty minutes, trying to send it, but eventually I just took on the rope. Bayard kept telling me to stem onto the right somehow, but I couldn't really figure out how to do it. After a while, I just sort of powered my way through it in a sketchy way, but I wouldn't feel too good about doing that on lead. I think if I did eventually get up there, I'd consider just aiding through it. There's a great #3 cam, and then a fixed alien, and then another #1 placement above that. So that's all possible.
I'm totally worked now. Time for a nap.