Sunday, March 29, 2009

Late Night Groceries

Feeling rested and wakeful after an evening nap, I went to the Porter Shaws around 11 pm to stock up on some edibles. It's incredibly busy there during weekend afternoons, so this is a good strategy. I've become an aggressive and reasonably skilled Boston driver, but it still amps up my blood pressure when I'm sitting there patiently, ticker on, and someone zips in. If you confront them afterwards, people always play dumb. I think I'm not menacing enough (read: scary and beefy enough) to warrant an actual apology. In any case, I remarked to the cashier that all the customers I had seen were either mumbling into cell phones, strangely disheveled men drinking out of suspicious looking tall cans with incredibly inappropriate puffy winter jackets, or overly amorous couples. "Yes," he replied. "There aren't too many normal people out at this hour." Ouch. But I found some lime-flavored tortilla chips finally. And I'm not too Dumbledore, I'm happy to see there's still a little love left in this world...

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