Sunday, June 7, 2009

Return to Rumney, Food Gripes

Like NASA's "return to flight," my return to Rumney had its ups and downs. I haven't really sport climbed in some time now, and I wasn't feeling totally psyched this morning when I got out to climb, but I quickly remembered how much fun it was. Who was there? Harvard Forest Dunbar, Astrophysics Claire, Norwegian Henning, Hannah "I like China" Waight, Eric "I am not a time traveller" Engberg, and Zeb "hello, do you like math?" Engberg. It was a blast. I normally like to project outside, and do a relatively small amount of intense climbing, but Dunbar, who was my main partner today, really turned up the fire. I did get on Orangahang (12a/b) and felt really good. Things that felt crazy last year felt totally static and do-able. There's a V4ish section where there are some deadpoints involved, and it felt totally OK to me. I think I can send it if I build up a bit of power endurance. My endurance is always terrible. I tried to "onsight/flash" Sally's Alley (11c) and Millenium Falcon (10c) today and it was kind of embarassing. I've done them before, but I remember basically nothing, so that's why I've used quotation marks. Dunbar, on the other hand, is a motoring Energizer bunny, who insisted we should try and climb dozens and dozens of 10s, declaring, as usual, that "sport climbing is just training for trad, trad is just training for alpine, etc., etc." I'm just happy he doesn't give the hard trad he-man catch I so dread. Zeb climbed hard, although I didn't get any specifics. I overheard something about him being too scared to lead something, but when asked about this, he assured me in no uncertain terms that this was a filthy, filthy lie. Hannah did Prime Climb (11b), I think. Henning led Underdog (10a), and Claire followed up (first 10 at Rumney?), which was awesome for both of them I think.

Anyways, I think fun was had by all. We retired to The Common Man, where the bread, cheese, and crackers flow with famous vigor. I had a cucumber salad (not that good, especially for $7) and some mussles (also meh, for $7). But then the people in lab are always taking me to truly delicious food, so I'm probably somewhat spoiled. The food was good, just not great. Let me assure you, however, in no uncertain terms that, unlike pernicious reports to the contrary, that I am not a monocle-wearing fatcat who will only eat the finest lobsters and steaks. In point of fact, I quite enjoy McDonalds. I don't know why people are always complaining about that. Of course, I stay away from their burgers (which I don't like in general anyways). However, after an unfortunate rest stop on the way to Acadia, I have developed a deep personal loathing for Burger Kings everywhere, which I consider to be only slightly better than eating a filthy, oil soaked rag.


  1. I really wish I hadn't missed that epic BK stop!

  2. I didn't do prime climb, it was a disaster- I couldn't even make it to the top and had to leave two beaners!!!!!
