Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crow Hill, Headpointing

Jonathan and I went to do some practice aid today at Crow Hill. I led Intertwine and he jugged it:

It was sunny, beautiful, and wet. Then Jonathan did his first aid lead on Jane, which I'll call C2. I've decided I'm going to try to headpoint it, so I worked it on top-rope, figuring out gear placements and beta.

I've one hung it so far. I'm close, but the back of my hand hurts from jamming now, so I'll have to come back to it. It's supposedly easy 11, but it's hard for me--I'm not used to crack climbing. There's real jams and stuff on it.

I made a beta sheet for it, 'cause I think I might not get back to it for a while. I'm super psyched about it though.


  1. I'm a secret fan of your beta sheets

  2. your hand writing is so juvenile. age it up!!!!

  3. It turns out that Zebby makes (or at least used to make) beta sheets too. You guys both have them for Flesh for Lulu -- you should compare notes.

  4. Oooh, I I want to see them. They had better be gorgeous works of LaTeX.

  5. Jane would be a pretty baller lead Eugene. But don't you think you should lead some 5.8 trad before jumping to 11? Just a thought. I do admire your enthusiasm and ambition.
